Thursday, November 12, 2020

JOURNEY INTO AN UNKNOWN WORLD by John Kinder August 1994 (link Smedley's/Folwells)


                                    Above: 1929 or 1930. Sarah Ann Smedley (mother to Louisa)

                                                             The Smedley-Folwell connection:                                                                              Below:  William Henry Folwell (1861-1942) married Louisa Smedley

Jo Ellis (nee Folwell) writes  the Smedley's had a thriving coal business and at some point lived at 227 Fosse Road North in Leicester. A substantial house (Now flats on the plot). Jo's great grandmother and great grandfather Smedley and family also lived in the Sanvey Gate, Soar Lane area of Leicester and they had 5 children - Louisa (D early 1920's. Henry Folwell's wife), Emma, Vina, George and James. .  They seem to have been quite entrepreneurial as GG-father Smedley was originally a carter, but GG-mother bought coal and sold it at 1d per bucket to her neighbours.  This was the beginning of the family business which was sold in the 1950's.  Smedley's horse and carts were a familiar sight in Leicester.  GG grandmother Smedley is said to have been a tyrant.  My guess is she was the driving force in the business and the reason why they became prosperous.

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